Health Information
According to CPSB policy and procedures, administrators and teachers shall cooperate with the school nurse to protect the health of students while in school by excluding the ill and by preventing the return to school of those not yet recovered from an illness or communicable disease. A decision concerning notification of parents in regard to a student’s illness requires judgment based on the student’s statement of his/her complaints and observation of his/her appearance and behavior. As guides for dealing with sick students, the following principles have been suggested:
1. Give careful consideration to the student’s statement of his or her complaints.
2. A student with a fever of 100 degrees or higher shall not be permitted to stay at school.
3. A child vomiting or with loose stools shall not be permitted to stay at school.
4. Students with severe colds, sore throats, or productive coughs should not stay at school.
5. Purulent nasal discharge, purulent conjunctivitis (pink eye), severe headache, and skin eruptions may be indications of acute communicable disease.
6. Students with scabies (itch), ringworm, and impetigo are to be considered infectious and should be treated immediately.
1. The student is checked by the classroom teacher or office personnel.
2. If lice are found, a parent must be called immediately and the child must be checked out of school. A letter of explanation will be sent home with the child.
3. If eggs (nits) are found, the parent shall be notified that the student is excluded from school at the end of that school day. A letter of explanation will be sent home with the child.
4. The student shall be excluded from school until he/she has be entreated with a medication that kills lice and eggs and until all nits have been removed from the hair. School personnel shall be responsible for checking the student to be sure he/she is free of nits before the child may return to the classroom. If lice and/or nits are present on the recheck, the child must be removed from the campus immediately. Parent will not be allowed to remove lice or nits on the school property. Parent must show proof of treatment (empty medicine bottle) before the student is to be allowed back on campus. Students will not be allowed to class without proof of treatment and must be nit and bug free.
5. Any student excluded from school is excused up to, but not to exceed 4 days.
Practicing good hygiene can help prevent skin infections:
1. Keep hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water or an alcohol based sanitizer.
2. Avoid contact with other people’s wounds or bandages.
3. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or washcloths.
4. DO NOT pick at sores or blemishes.
5. Wash any cuts or scratches with soap and water.
6. Put a bandage over the area to keep germs out. (Do not bandage injuries too tightly and remember to change the bandage at least twice a day or if it becomes dirty or wet.
Home care for minor, localized infections includes:
1. Wash the infected area at least twice a day with soap and water.
2. Dry the wound after cleansing.
3. Cover the infected area lightly with a dry gauze bandage.
4. Change the bandage daily or whenever it becomes wet or dirty.
5. Inspect the infected are a daily for signs of a more serious infection, such as: increased redness; swelling; pus/drainage; or red streaks spreading from the wound. (There may also be increased painor fever.) Without proper care, a localized infection can develop into a potentially serious infection. If any signs of a serious skin infection occur, call your own physician or health care provider.
Ringworm of the body (Tinea Corporis)
Please check with your pharmacist to recommend a treatment (Ex.Lotrimin for 10 to 14 days). Many over-the-counter medications are available. Please follow directions carefully. Loosely cover any exposed treated ringwormwhile your child attends school. If condition does not improve within two weeks medical attention is required.
· The scalp may have scaling
· Mild itching of the scalp
· Ringworm of the face mayalso be present
· Usually occurs in children age 2 to 10years
· This diagnosis requires a positive microscope test(KOH prep) or fungus culture
· Round patches of hair loss that slowly increase in size
· A black-dot, stubbed appearance of the scalp from hair shafts that are broken off at the surface
A fungus infects the hairs and causes them to break. Ringworm is not caused bya worm. Over 90% of cases are due to T. tonsurans, which is transmitted from other children who are infected. Combs, brushes, hats, barrettes, seatbacks, pillows, and bath towels can transmit the fungus. Less than 10% of the cases are caused by infected animals. The animal type causes more scalp irritation, redness, and scaling. If the child has the animal type of fungus, he is not contagious to other children.
Ringworm of the scalp is not dangerous. Without treatment, however, the hair loss and scaling may spread to other parts of the scalp. Some children develop a kerion, which is boggy, tender swellingof the scalp that can drain pus. Kerions are an allergic reaction to the fungus and require additional treatment but will take 6 to 12 months. In the meantime, the child can wear a hat or scarf to hide the bald areas.
· Oral AntifungalMedicine
The main treatment for ringworm ofthe scalp is griseofulvin taken orally for 8 weeks. (The product comes in a 125mg per 5 ml suspension and 250 mg capsules.) Griseofulvin is best absorbed if taken with fatty foods such as milk or ice cream. Antifungal creams orointments are not effective in killing the fungus that causes ringworm of thescalp.
· Antifungal Shampoo
The use of an antifungal shampoo makesthe child less contagious and allows him to return to child care or school. Purchase a nonprescription shampoo containing selenium sulfide (for example, Selsun) Lather up and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing. Use the antifungal shampoo twice a week for the next 8 weeks. On other days, use a regular shampoo.
Ringworm is mildly contagious. In thedays before antifungal medications, about 5% of school contacts usually became infected. However, 25% of siblings (close contact) developed ringworm. Once the child has been started on griseofulvin and received one washing with the special shampoo, he can return to school.
It is psychologically harmful and unnecessary to shave the hair, give a close haircut, or to force the child to wear a protective skull cap.
In 6 weeks the child should return to his doctor for lab tests of their hair to be certain they have achieved a cure. If not, the griseofulvin will need to be given for longer than 8 weeks.
1. The ringworm becomes infected with pus or a yellow crust.
2. The scalp becomes swollen or boggy.
3. The ringworm continues to spread after 2 weeks of treatment
4. You have questions or concerns.
5. Medical attention is required. Your child may not return to school without a note from a physician and proof of treatment.